West Central Wisconsin is home to a host of wildlife critters. Unfortunately for Wisconsin homeowners, this means nuisance pest invasions. When facing wildlife intrusions, trust Critter Control of West Central Wisconsin to resolve the problem quickly and safely. With over 30 years of success in humane wildlife removal services—including wildlife control, trapping, relocation, damage repair & more—you can count on Critter Control to get rid of your pest animals for good.

Common Wildlife Removal

Once an animal comes too close to your home, let alone enters your home,  it is considered a wildlife control problem. Critter Control of West Central Wisconsin aims to solve your wildlife issues as fast as possible, in the most effective way possible. Some common critters we receive calls regarding include:

  • Squirrel removal
  • Shrew removal
  • Bats in the attic
  • Skunk trapping
  • Mole removal
  • Getting birds out of vents
  • Raccoons in the attic

If you're hearing scratching noises in the walls or attic, our professional residential animal control services are just what you need. Critter Control of West Central Wisconsin offers animal removal services in West Central Wisconsin and the surrounding areas.

West Central Wisconsin Wildlife Control

Droppings and insulation damage is just the beginning of the damage wildlife animals are responsible for inside your home. The majority of wildlife animals carry diseases and parasites that are easily transmitted to humans. Did you know animals left alone to chew in your home can even cause electrical fires from chewing wires?

Wildlife control is often overwhelming to homeowners, but we can help. Call Critter Control of West Central Wisconsin today to help resolve your wildlife control problem so you can spend your time on what matters. We will work closely with you to develop a trapping plan to get rid of the pest, and a prevention process to keep them from returning.

No domestic animal calls please